Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

From One Mom To AnotherOctober 2013

My heart goes out to you today because there are so many ways to raise our kids. There are so many challenges, so many struggles, and it feels like you are responsible for so much. Sometimes it feels like you cannot do anything right. Please know that the place of prayer is the place of peace. Let me also tell you that the Holy Spirit speaks and guides you with His still small voice. It is imperative that you listen to that still small voice. It is imperative that you raise your children from a place of trust in Christ. The place of worry and stress is not the place you need to be. Remember that God can even turn your mistakes into good for your children. He is the One that is ultimately responsible and the Only One who will never make a mistake with your children.

Yesterday my devotional spoke of the verse: We lay aside the weights that so easily entangle us. Sometimes the weights are not sin. Sometimes it is sadness or despondencies that we feel that weigh us down. That despondency can lead to doubt and unthankfulness and open doors for the enemy to work on us. When we are in that state of sorrow, even our prayers feel blocked or Heaven can feel like closed iron door. What a good reminder that the joy of the Lord is our strength, that thanking God in the midst of our troubles is a command and weapon against our enemy. If you are currently in this condition, please find a friend who will pray with you and encourage you so that God can give you His mind on the challenges you are facing. Maybe a few funny stories will help you through this time. Maybe after you read of few of my challenges you will be able to say “If she can do this, I can surely do this!” And then, we can be reminded that God gets all the glory for our successes with our children.