Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

From One Mom To AnotherDecember 2013

I am so excited to write you this newsletter because it is a “Call Back” newsletter! Not a “call back” like a play to determine who gets a desired part. We have already been given the part — we were chosen to be loved by God long before we even knew that part was available to us. Plus, the part was given to us without our trying out or even being good at a role. In fact, all we have to be is ourselves and we have to come just as we are and believe.

This newsletter is a “call back” because we are on a journey together, and those of us who started the hike up the mountain earlier than others are given the delightful task to “call back” to the younger or newer members of the journey to say, “Keep on walking. Come on up. The view is amazing up here! The way is a challenge at times, but I did it, and you can do it, too! I did it, of course, with the help of the Leader.”

I am still on the path as well; I haven’t arrived and don’t pretend to have. But, I can tell you that it is possible to make it up to the top. All the obstacles, struggles, doubts and questions that you are facing, have been faced in one form or another by others that have gone ahead, and the answers are given in the Book. In fact, we all have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on and “calling back” to us to keep following, to not give up but to continue on from one victory to another. So to all of us: “Come on up! We are destined to be more than conquerors.”