Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls


A quick thought for my readers —

There are many special lessons in Scripture that are preached about a very specific character trait. We can learn much from those messages and try to add to our lives. When a trait is emphasized, I think we put our human understanding on that trait and decide that God must have favorites like humans do.

What I am thrilled with today, is the understanding that God can love the Marthas, the Marys,the Thomases, the Lazaruses, etc. He is not limited to loving just the quiet, contemplative Marys; thus, only loving a little bit the serving Marthas. In fact, this verse was in my devotional today: Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. (John 11:5)

I love how Mrs. Cowman in Springs in the Valley points out that Jesus’ love for us is not more or less because of how or who we are. He created us and loves us unconditionally, whether we are servers, quiet thinkers, or, in her words, “nobodies.” “What a huge multitude come under the category of nobodies”, or the undistinguished. He loves us all “… the brilliant and the commonplace, the dreamy and the practical.” The Living God loves each of us and wants a relationship with each of us! This knowledge is too wonderful for me. (Psalm 139:6)