Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

A Game PlanJuly 2013

  1. For struggles: Pray, do all you can, give thanks in the middle of it.
  2. Train your children routinely to think of others by reminding them to treat their dolly kindly. Whatever they practice while playing, they will act out in life. (Playtime is like practicing a sport for a game or rehearsing lines for a play. "As you practice, so shall you play.")
  3. Remember that other parents probably are not training their children to think of others. (Some of us don’t even do it ourselves, much less train our children to do so.) Expecting friends and acquaintances to respond by thinking of them in return is probably not realistic and can be very hurtful to the child/teenage girl that is thinking of others. Make sure you give them enough love and assurance at home, so those painful moments don’t hurt as badly.
  4. Reminding them that they cannot control the attitudes of others and that they will only be held accountable for their own attitudes helps relieve some of the pressure.
  5. Forgiving those that don’t appear to care about them is important for their growth and development.
  6. Choosing friends that know how to think of someone other than themselves will be a lesson that will serve them well in the future, but is one of those gifts that, at times, comes in really harsh wrappings.