Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

A Game PlanMarch 2013

Your child may not be perfect… neither are mine. Here is one small help on how to train external behavior while allowing God to work on the motivation of the heart. I’m so thankful that God gives us unconditional love for our imperfect children just as He has towards us – His imperfect children. If you would like to increase the "likability"of your child, here are a few practical suggestions.

Pick one positive behavior that you would like to help your child make into a habit or one unpleasant behavior that you would like to help your child lose. Focus on one small step at a time – but, by all means, keep an eye on any new potential habits before they are learned – unless you like working on habits continually! (A job-security kind of thing! LOL) Once you’ve identified the behavior, the picnic begins.

P — positive
I — immediate
C — certain
N — negative
I — immediate
C — certain

If you want to increase a behavior, like saying "thank you" you reward it with something positive immediately when the behavior occurs and every time it occurs.

If you want to decrease a behavior, like whining, you &sqquo;reward’ it with something negative immediately, every time it occurs. (Rewards can be reduced after the habit is established.)