Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls


Also, think on this: When Aaron’s rod, a dry and dead stick, was placed in the Holy of Holies (in the Presence of God), that rod was changed into a living piece of wood. (Numbers 17:8) It bloomed and had fruit over night! WOW! Just being in the presence of God was enough for a stick — that was used to do God''s work. How much more a Mom, who might be feeling dried up, when quiet before God, is changed into a beautiful flowering plant again.

I think that must be how He sees us all the time. We judge by the outside and on how we feel after a long night with a sick baby or struggles with a teenager — and His loving eyes see us as a beautiful flowering instrument of His work.

I wonder … Not only are we transformed by a few minutes in prayer and Bible reading, but those precious children that are in our lives, our husbands, as well as those we meet while out might be changed as well.

I wonder … Because we are en-dwelled with the Holy Spirit, when others are brought into the presence of God in us, could His Spirit can change them, even if we don’t say much or anything to them. He transforms those dead sticks also just by being near them.

Be encouraged, Daughter of the King!