Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

Tip Thursday


Teach it to your kids. Respect of parents is the first step. Once that is a learned habit and ability, your child will be able to apply it to every situation that merits their respect - and even those that don't merit it but need it desperately. It's not a hard thing to give if the child or adult has learned how to give it. It is an opposite of entitlement. (There are other opposites of that characteristic that plagues our modern day.)

When children are little, they are not usually good at masking bad attitudes. They are very real. That's why their honest words can sometimes embarrass their parents. So when they are young, we can correct their lack of respect by pointing out and correcting their behavior. If you point out their disrespect and refuse to accept it from them, you are training the attitude of respect. Point it out to them and help them change it: tone of voice towards you or siblings (or themselves), rolling eyes, glares, throwing or dropping things when told to do something....etc. Sometimes having a mirror nearby to show them what disrespectful faces look like is a handy tool.

As we work on the external, we are laying ground work for God to work on the internal. Praise God that the internal is His work. He convicts. And praise God He allows us a tiny part in that beautiful work of His Spirit as He lets us train the external.

Dear Mama, sometimes the day seems long and the battle with behavior unending, but take heart, you are training eternal souls that will one day have the opportunity to be a servant of the Living God. As scripture says, do not become weary in doing good. Pick your battles, but try not to turn a blind eye to disrespect at any point. Be encouraged and seek your praise and encouragement from your heavenly Father, not from earthly sources.

Hugs to each of you! Sending respect from me to you as well. If you have great tips on training respect, share here if you'd like.

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