Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28)
Go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mark 15:15)

MissionsAugust 2016

Romania – July 2016

Dear Ones,

It’s been almost a week since we returned from Romania – a week of eye-glass ministry and then a week in a church camp for kids. It was a wonderful trip to be sure as we worked with the delightful people of Romania, and it was definitely challenging. Personally, I am so blessed to have shared this experience with my husband and two of my daughters. Our FBCG team of 11 were all amazing people. It was fun to see how each person had their own particular skills that when blended together with the other members of the team, worked together to form two well-functioning teams. Between the two teams, we were able to treat about 450 to 500 people, providing distance glasses or readers or both.

Since my entire family has worn glasses, I could not imagine not having the lenses we needed. But many of these dear folks have never had glasses. What a difference usable lenses can make to them! Some of those needing readers will now have the possibility of a job or pride in their up-close work. Several of them beamed as they read the Scripture for the first time in a long time. A few of the children that I was blessed to see, have experienced problems in school and the stigma that comes with struggles in academics. Please pray that they can find success in their academics and realize that their young lives matter enough for someone to provide for them a pair of glasses. The gratitude expressed by so many, not only for a gift of improved vision or for the gift of being treated as people of value, worthy of our time and efforts, was truly humbling.

The first woman my group saw had to be carried from her wheelchair into the testing area. Another older gentleman crawled up the steps to be treated. One sweet older man with advanced Parkinsons was so thankful for his glasses that he kissed the hands of all the ladies that had helped him that day. We prayed for God’s blessings and healing on his life, and for others as they shared their heart-breaking stories of struggle with us. Continue to pray for the local church and pastor as they make the outreach contacts from the names we served. One lady insisted that we give her greetings of Psalms 20 to our church, who had sent us and the glasses to her group. verse 6 of that chapter says: “Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.” What a precious blessing she sent to us – to you!

On Saturday, the team started home, and Jenny and I waited for two girls to pick us up that we had never met before. It sounds a little crazy, but we were confident that we were exactly where we were supposed to be doing exactly what God wanted … whatever that might turn out to be. It’s been a few years since I’ve been to camp, to say the least. I knew that Jenny was going to be the energy and youthfulness that I was bringing with me. It was interesting to see what God was going to do with us. We brought crafts for the week, ideas for games, as many hugs as we could dish out to receptive hearts and our testimonies of God’s goodness. The regular leaders experienced a few health setbacks making our presence more needed. I am so thankful that God allowed us to love on children that He wanted to give a few extra hugs to; also I can pray for those children and that amazing ministry (Regen Foundation) and the precious Groza family with more knowledge and love than before. What a privilege to pray for someone towards whom God’s heart is reaching out!

So, once more, thanks so much for your prayers! They were greatly felt!

In Christ’s love, Janice