Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

From One Mom To AnotherSeptember 2018

Mom to Mom

School is starting up. Summer days are ending. Fast pace life and activities are ramping up. Suddenly, mothers feel carried along by a current that you do not control. At times, the current seems to be totally in control of your children, your family and yourself. I do want to encourage you to do your best to slow down the pace and limit the number of activities. Let me assure you that the current, however fast or activity rich, is not in control no matter how it appears. But there is One Who is sovereign over the lives of our children and of ourselves.

This topic is pretty complicated for my human mind, but I know it's true. Somehow individual choices and free will enter into the mix. But God is still God even if we cannot quite understand and figure out what His sovereignty encompasses.

There have been times when even small questions have caused me to wonder about His sovereignty over human choices, such as: when administrative mistakes were made that cost one daughter the higher scholarship amount. Another time, much effort resulted in extended time being granted to a dyslexic child just to have distractions present in the testing room. Each of us with our own questions now and then. Some of those are the heart-wrenching questions that arise from divorce, abuse, or illness. Only God can really help us come to peace with some of those deep questions. Seek Him for those answers. Seek Him, for truly He is the only One who can satisfy your questions.